ウーバー創業のカラニック氏、億万長者に ソフトバンク出資完了で
Report: SoftBank Loses Billions On WeWork, Uber
SoftBank, Toyota in talks to invest $1 billion in Uberu0027s self
Why SoftBanku0027s Reported Interest in Investing in Uber Could Signal
SoftBank sells 45 million shares in Uber - source
Uber nears deal for huge Softbank investment: Source Fox Business
日本初!Uber Eatsで球場グルメデリバリー開始|福岡ソフトバンクホークス
SoftBank to buy 15% stake in Uber, pump in $1 billion in early
SoftBank Profits With Uber: SoftBank Reports Profit Surge With
Cab Aggregator Uber Set To Raise $1.25 Bn Funding From Softbank
No matter what Softbank says, withdrawing from India will make the
Uber told SoftBank about massive data breach before telling public