ソフトバンクG、米配車大手ウーバー株2200億円分売却へ: 日本経済新聞
Uber makes a tactical retreat from South-East Asia The Economist
SoftBank, Toyota in talks to invest $1 billion in Uberu0027s self
Uber Stock Slammed After Softbank Sells Stake
Mega-deal with SoftBank will block any plan from Uber to make
Softbank eyeing major stake in Uber - FinTech Futures
Softbank offers Uber 30 percent less
Weekly Update #299: Can Uber Deliver Target Returns to the
日本初!Uber Eatsで球場グルメデリバリー開始|福岡ソフトバンクホークス
Uber Valuation: SoftBank Bids To Buy Uber Shares For 30% Less Than
Softbank offers Uber 30 percent less